kembali bersiaran... cepat aje nak update pasal HomeDec.
ye..tak habis2 la asyik pegi HomeDec jer. nasib baik setahun 2 kali. kalo tiap2 bulan ada, mau bankrap kami.
Tapi tak de la pegi sesaja. setiap kali pegi, mesti ada je benda yg nk survey or booking. senang pi HomeDec ni, segala benda ada kat sana. kali ni pegi sebab nak survey pasal laminate floor. sejak pindah ari tu lagi memang da berangan nak tukar lantai. maklum la..sakit mata sangat dengan tiles yang sedia ada ni. da la pasang tak sama rata, pasang plak jarang2. eeee...sakit mata betul. kalo nk ketuk dan pasang tiles baru.....mmg TAK la kan. da sah2 mahal, dan leceh berselerak, berdebu bagai. alternatif lain, pasang laminate floor ni je la, murah sket, tak berkecah, and boleh buka semula rupanya. dia jenis interlocking sistem, ala2 macam pasang lego je. tak payah nak gam2 bagai pon.
ok la ye.. untuk pendekkan citer. hasil dari google2 info bagai...ada beberapa perkara yang penting pasal laminate floor:
Ketebalan : 8mm dan 12mm (ada perbezaan 2 ketebalan ni. try jalan2 atas laminate floor kt showroom, and boleh buat pilihan)
rating: AC1-5 (abrasion class) AC1 kurang tahan sket. AC3 slalu guna utk rumah (common use). AC5 paling tahan calar etc. bley click direct link tu untuk lebih faham.
pastu ada lagi benda2 lain macam water proof (slalunye ni da ditambah bahan lain. tak pure kayu), water resistant (ni biasa mmg ada), termite proof, etc2.
disebabkan i keje straight minggu ni, tapi terpaksa jugak curi2 masa. pukul 6ptg baru gerak pegi klcc. Homedec tutup kul 8mlm ye. so, we all ada dlm sejam lebih je utk survey dan buat pilihan. so, kami sempat survey 3 booth je, 1st booth company ape entah..bila tanya soalan, dia macam tak confident je nak jawab. haishh..org da la kejar masa ni, dia plak bagi info nak tak nak jer. harga dia not bad, rm6 sekaki persegi utk 8mm, AC3, harga da termasuk upah pasang, harga skirting. cuma tambah delivery charge saje. tapi sale assistant dia macam tak ber ilmu dan tak menyakinkan., selamat tinggal ok.
2nd booth we all pegi Floor Depot. almaklumlah...floor depot ni memang sangat terkenal kan dengan
laminate floor dia. diorg ada product baru 2 faces namanya. hihihi...atas bawah ada laminate different color. so, lepas 5 tahun pasang, floor depot bagi service free untuk terbalikkan permukaan laminate floor tu. wahhh.. da mcm teruja jugak masa tu. harga dia start dari rm4.70 sekaki persegi, ni utk 8mm water resistant AC3. harga ni tak termasuk upah pasang. upah pasang rm1.90 sekaki. skirting pon harga lain. pongpang2..mahal la jugak quotation diorg. diorg ada jugak yang jenis biasa, 2G, 3G, 5G...ni kena tgk website diorg, or pegi terus showroom diorg and tgk perbezaan jenis2 tu semua. tapi, kesimpulannya, Floor Depot agak mahal...tambah2 kalo nak pakai 4G water proof 12mm, utk 500sqf dlm 8-9k kot. huh. booking fee rm500, 95% refundable kalo nak cancel dlm masa seminggu, locking period hanya 6bulan.
Next, we all singgah Inovar floor. not bad product dia...memang nampak mewah plak laminate floor dia. dia promote 12mm, AC5, lifetime warranty for termite proof. 15 years manufacture warranty utk discolor, stain, fading, wear layer resistant. harga rm7.20psqf sekali upah pasang. tapi harga skirting kena tambah asing. hmmm...nyum2. Mr. N tersangat la suka..sbb bila kira2 utk 500sqf around rm5k. ok la tu dari floor depot...yang harga smpai 9k. membunuh sangat tu.
Ada jugak yang lagiiii mewah. macam Timberline series bawah ni. interlocking dia nmpk mcm ada longkang gitu..... perghh..kalo pasang yg jenis ni, mesti tetamu ingt korg pasang lantai kayu (timber floor). SA tu bgtau...diorg sponsor rumah Wardina series yg ni.. beza harga kt atas tu rm2 kot. tapi bagi i, tak bape minat ada longkang2 gini, biar smooth je la senang nak golek2.
Booking fee sebanyak rm500 untuk tempoh setahun atau lebih sket.
berbaloi2. sebab dapat macam2 voucher and siap dapat membership ape tah lagi. harga booking ni mmg da termasuk semua jenis laminate floor yg ada. kiranya, in the future, tetiba lari bajet ke ape..kita leh pilih laminate floor 8mm dari series lain yg lebih murah. haaa..gitu.. still dpt harga promotion.
Inovar ni guna technology eco friendly gitu. laminate floor dibuat guna standard dari Jepun, kayu2 di import dari Thailand. and material laminate floor dari core wood utk bahan natural halang anai2. gitu la dia terangkan. maklum la..masa suntuk sangat. but we know what we want. tengok free bag dia pon da tau, betul2 ecofriendly. agagaga... arrr..lagi satu, project Sime Darby semua amik dari Inovar jugak. so, kalo mana2 rumah yang under project Sime Darby, cer korang check, laminate floor dari Inovar ke tak? wuwuwu.
Currently, we all tengah renovate ruang buang saka ni. akan di tukar jadi dining room nanti. Alhamdulillah..dapat meja makan 2nd hand dari Makcik Mr. N. hihi.. jimattt belanja we all, tak payah beli meja makan da.
Sebenarnya..lambat lagi nak pasang laminate floor ni. biasa la...tahun depan baru la projek ni di realisasikan ye. lama lagi ni nak kena berangan ada lantai baru. pelan2 la kumpul duit. ngan baby nak kuar nanti ni. dgn baru je pasang kitchen cabinet, and now ni tengah renovate dining room plak. semputtttt we all ni. harap2 dimurahkan rezeki. Amin. :)
ni hasil carian dari forum2. i da compile, and boleh la jugak nak buat rujukan:
Was quoted RM6.30 include installation at Homedec recently. Forgot the brand, thk its Mori, made in Korea. Another brand is Coco, smewhr near Tesco Puchong. Material is abt the same with very authentic wood grains, Korean made too. Price shld be arnd the same too. Dun thk it's more exp than 12mm laminates. Am thinking to install at home too, but a bit sceptical coz not many ppl have first hand experience to share, hoping someone can shed more light. Areas of concern: the joint (seams) might bulge, mold can form underneath the vinyl (i assume it will not be a pleasant smell too), since it's waterproof it'll be warmer coz heat would be trapped and health concern due to vinyl and glue. Im sure there are pros and cons to any floorings though.
my house living and dining area is using robina floor 8mm ac3 with price rm4.80 per sq feet, fully satisfied with their product and service
Last time i ask is rm5psf included installation for innovar.
but i decide to take robina which have VACUMAT features...
1. You can put laminated flooring on the ground floor. I have done that for my house. No problem about that. There is a moisture barrier below the laminated flooring. In some cases, a rubber membrane is place instead of the normal plastic sheet. This will give a better feel when walked on. It will be more prominent when the area is large.
If there are dampness from the ground, then what ever material that you intend to use will also have problem. This has to be taken off first.
Then there is also the types of underlay used. Some only use a plastic sheet (cheaper version) and some will use a rubber sheet. Using the rubber sheet will give a cushion effect especially if the area is large.
my conclusion, i'd go for laminating type the cheapest company..
its good looking,feel just like real wood,changeable and save my pocket. just my 2cent!
1. Inovar 8mm RM5 psf - 100% East M'sia wood, natural termite resistant
2. Floor depo 8mm RM4.40 psf - cannot claim termite proof
3. Robina 8mm RM6.30 psf - AC3 100% tropical hardwood, claim termite resistant
4. Brenwood 8mm RM4.80 psf - AC3, E1, 100% tropical hardwood, claim termite resistant
hen shop for laminate flooring or any construction materials, please look for European E1 standard which contain non toxic release, most common chemical which can be found in construction material is Formaldehyde, exposed to formaldehyde can cause nasopharyngeal cancer and leukemia. In Europe, product that cant pass E1 standard will not be sold, nowadays ppl get cancer without any reason mostly is cause by this toxic gas release. Basically we just spend thousand of dollars just to buy a toxic and sleep on it. http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factshe...sk/formaldehyde
Hi there.. the laminate flooring has a variety of quality and grade based on the price. If let say the price just now is under RM 2.00 per sq ft after discount and this is the lowest grade of laminate and at Floor depot we called it 1G laminate. This laminate is only water resistant not termite resistant. and we still have 2G, 3G and the best of laminate products is 4G where u can install it in ur bathroom because 4G is waterproof and termite proof. waterproof and termite proof is lifetime warranty.
Those old time white coffee open in the first batch like those open for more than 5 years, the laminate colour already wear off due to traffic. New old time white coffee no more using laminate bcz they thought is not a suitable product. AC stand for the grading system of the laminate surface. normally AC3 is for residential. tiles will be too cold especially u on the aircon, laminate can maintain a moderate tempreture. for RM 5.50 is normal price for innovar. You also click my signature below to look at our product which i am selling.
main point to look for when you buying laminate flooring
1. Quality : is the quality certified? and is certified by which org?
2. non toxic : Europe and USA have strict regulation on this, is your product formaldehyde free? you know the flooring you buy can cause you cancer and even your future kid?
3. Brand reputation : what is the product review like in the market?
4. Origin of the product : a lot of product so called made in malaysia actually the raw material imported from dunno where and process package it here.
5. Price : Pls beware market has a lot of rejected stock which selling in a very low price
tq tq review dari homedec pasal flooring! my husband sebenarnya ada terfikir nak pegi inovar sbb nak renew commitment.. sbb kami dah pay depo 1.5 yrs ago and lock price pada masa tu, tapi nak renew guna price sekarang sbb tgh nak guna duit utk benda lain. kitorang wonder gak harga inovar sekarang berapa tp SA kami cakap harga homedec ni naik 10% from our price.. tp u tulis sini RM 7.20 psf so kira ok la tu bukan 10% pun. ours was RM 6.90 psf utk <500 sqft (2 mggu lps tu dia kasik <400 sqft sbb tersasul hehe).
so in the end kami akan pasang soon.yang traffic zone series. above 400 sqft RM 6.90, kalau under 400 sqft RM 7.60 , so mmg byk beza. total2 above 400 sqft kami bayar RM 5k so mmg sama la macam yg u bajet sini.
skirting bayar asing - da;am RM 50/pc
potong pintu pun bayar asing! - RM 40/pc
tangga RM 160 / step
pastu transport pun bayar asing taww. ikut harga pasaran semasa (harga minyak la kot)
pastu yg ni kami tak aware waktu sign up: dia xde instalment plan aiyayaya, so kene bayar 80% of price sebelum diorg pasang. bayar cash/crdt card/cheque. balance 20% after dah puas hati pasang
lagi satu, dia asyik warning kitorang kalau pasang laminate ni atas parquet kami yang sedia ada..kalau laminate ni rosak sbb termite ni makan parquet, lifetime warranty tu tak cover bla bla. dia advise suruh hack semua parquet tapi uh takde ler nak hack. so redha kan je la.
aah.. betul la.. term condition dia tersangat la jelas. before we all sign pon, mmg dia go through point dia satu2. sama je harga hack pintu, payment 80% tu semua. cuma now ni dia siap tambah pasal GST 1st april nanti..kalo psg lps 1st April tu, automatic harga pon naik 6% gituu.
patut la dia ckp naik 10%, sbb dlm ni kalo harga utk 400sqf mmg rm8sq.ft utk traffic zone tu. skirting pvc dlm rm38 per strip.
alahai...kalo nk hack parquet tu, satu keje la plak kan. in sha Allah ok kot. tapi kalo nk hack sendiri pon sng kot kan? parquet dulu2 buh gam kan?
Wahhh nolly!!! Xsabarnye tunggu ruang saka tu siap! Hihihihi...
salam, ape lg brg murah di homedec ye? berbaloi2 tak pergi?
Saya pun ada survey lamina floor. Harga yang saya dapat 580kps Inovar RM3.1K dan Excel Thailand RM2.9K.
vAda Kedai di Jalan Kebun yang jual lantai kayu ni murah murah..alaqsa carpets saya rekomen ..dia orang ada ajar macam mana nak pasang lantai vinyl ni pun kalau nak buat DIY..harga cuma kat rm2.60/sqft dan kualti best sebab saya baru je pasang..saya ada tanya bos dia kenapa tempat lain boleh dapat lagi murah ..dia cakap biasanya kalau lagi murah dari harga ini sebab nanti lantai kayu tu pasti tak boleh tahan lama ..nipis lagi boleh pecah..yang alaqsa punya ni dia garenti boleh tahan tahun tahun..kalis air boleh letak dalam bilik air pun..hope saya boleh tolong dengn review saya
Good info..sy pown baru booked utk house flooring..(rainforest flooring) made in malaysia from kayu2 di Sarawak..rm5.9 per sqft (8mm), rm10 per sqft 12mm ...include skerting.& service & transportation..di furniture fair johor..
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